Aviation400 appear to be positioning themselves for a fight in the crowded market for Airbus widebodies in 1:400 scale. Not content with their existing A330 and A340 moulds they have just released their first A350-900. As I reported in November Aviation400 have been releasing models since at least July - see: The models look equal in quality to anyone elses and come with a tug and stand plus they are no more expensive than the competing JC Wings or Panda models competition. I have a pair of their A340s on the way from China so it'll be interesting to see if they are up to the standards they appear to be. Now the A330 is a start but it is clear that at the moment the big money is in 787s and A350s so it is little surprise that one of these has appeared. The big question for me is why Boeing widebodies get so little attention in comparison to Airbuses. There are moulds from Aeroclassics, Aviation400, Gemini Jets/JC Wings, Panda Models and Phoenix for the A330/340 series but the 777 and 787 is the exclusive preserve of Gemini Jets/JC Wings and Phoenix. Anyway the first two Aviation400 A350s are safe models for Aviation400, which like Panda is ignoring western collectors so far and focusing on the domestic Chinese market. They are a pair of China Airlines aircraft - one in a bird scheme and one in standard colours. So far the A350 moulds have been criticised mostly over the shape of the nose, especially the Gemini / JC Wings version. This Aviation400 mould looks promising in comparison to the JC Wings mould and has much better engine ground clearance than the Phoenix. Without having seen one in person it is too early to declare it the best A350 in 1:400 but there is definitely potential there. Assuming that Aviation 400 gets more adventurous with their subject matter and distribution network I think this new A350 will become quite popular. Certainly from the photos it looks as good, if not better, than the existing moulds.
Andrew Klein
18/12/2017 06:45:36 pm
If to make a fair comparison without your editorialism, the GJ/JC A350 is still the best by a long shot!!!
18/12/2017 11:05:33 pm
Nobody except for you thinks the Gemini/JC Wings A350 is the best Andrew. It is widely known that the nosecone is not very accurate. The Phoenix has a better nosecone but at the risk of ground hugging engines and overly long gear.
10/10/2018 12:59:19 am
I would like to think that the Gemini/JCW mold is quite a lot better than the phoenix mold. Leave a Reply. |
I'm Richard Stretton, an aviation enthusiast and major collector of 400 scale model aircraft. This blog discusses ongoing events in the world of 400 scale. This site is free. Please donate to keep it going.