Boeing 767-200/300 Final Samples in 1:400 Scale
Modified: June 2024
As is NG's new policy the new 767 moulds have recently been available for collectors as samples through the CRP programme and illustrate the final guise of the sample prior to its release onto the market with the recent first announced models:
- 16001 American Airlines 767-200 N313AA Chrome cs; CF6 engines; 767 Luxury Liner
- 17001 Delta Air Lines 767-300ER/w N174DN with PW4000 engines;
- 17002 Delta Air Lines 767-300ER/w N173DZ with CF6 engines
They have kindly sent them through to me prior to general release so let's see how they compare to the original samples and real thing.
Previous Review Results
For the detail of the previous review of the original samples see here:
The summary of that review raised the following points:
- Checking cockpit size and increasing slightly
- Checking the windowline height and lowering it slightly
- Removing the tailbumper from the 767-200
- Shape of the hot exhaust sections on the PW4000s
- Extending the flap track fairings to protrude further beyond the wing trailing edge
The 767-200
Obvious differences between these samples and the previous ones are that these have a full print job on them and they are fitted with aerials too.
Although the first 767-200 release is to be fitted with General Electric CF6 engines this sample looks like it is fitted with the Pratts. I'll skip the engines for now and discuss them when talking about the 767-300s. Below is the first sample sent and you can see that the new sample looks significantly better. Improvements that I can see include:
- Enlarged cockpit windows
- Good sized aerials
- Removal of the tailbumper
Areas that haven't been altered are:
- The height of the windowline, which still seems very slightly too high. It is by probably less than a mm
- I'm not seeing much evidence that the flap track fairings have been extended
I think the mould looks excellent and I'm really looking forward to seeing what NG produces on it.
Boeing 767-200 Sample Mould - 1:400 Scale
The 767-300s
The two samples NG have sent through here both have blended winglets unlike the previous 767-300 samples. They also have the remoulded engines for the PW4000 and CF6. Below is the Pratt & Whitney powered version:
General Electric CF6 Engines
Pratt & Whitney PW4000 Engines
Boeing 767-300 PW4000 Engines Sample Mould - 1:400 Scale
Boeing 767-300 CF6 Engines Sample Mould - 1:400 Scale
The original samples were very good and NG have made some changes that have improved them in relation to the cockpit printing, tailbumper on the 200 and engine hot sections. They haven't modified the flap tracks or the windowline height, but both are minor points to me. Next up I'll have a look at the 767-400 final sample. Stay tuned.