Raimond Schulz has dedicated himself to the motto of his facebook group 'As Real As It Gets' by producing wonderful photo montages of his model collection against custom backdrops, terminal dioramas and GSE. His aim is to inspire others to reach for the ultimate in realism with their model photography. His Facebook group is open to all to show off their creations and help people learn how to make great dioramas.
Below: Raimond's Munich diorama in 400 scale
This area of the site is designed to highlight Raimond's impressive craftmanship and attention to detail as well as his excellent model collection.
Raimond at the 2022 Amsterdam Aviation Fair
Image Galleries
For galleries containing hundreds of diorama setups first select your scale:
Raimond (left) presenting me with one of his 'As Real As It Gets' books in 2019