Updated: December 2018
Whilst the Soviet Union airfleet was made up entirely of Aeroflot aircraft right up until the collapse of the USSR in the early 90s the break up of the USSR enabled the creation of a myriad of airlines. Most have not survived the regular turbulent periods in the Russian economy and in the past few years there has been a relentless consolidation as the Aeroflot Group is favoured heavily by the Putin regime.
Nonetheless there has been a great diversity of airlines and although modern Russian aircraft is stretching my already rather loose collecting criteria to the limit my Russian fleet has grown over the past 5 or 6 years. I just can't resist Tupolevs and Ilyushins and hopefully there will be more 'classic' Soviet era types produced in this scale.
For other content about Russia see:
As of late 2018 the Russian fleet takes up one and a half main shelves of the farthest right of the 5 metal framed glass cabinets, above the non-UK European fleet. It shares the space with the other Eastern Bloc carriers (and Olympic).
As you'd expect Aeroflot features quite heavily although its representation is limited by the available moulds in 1:400 scale. There are no piston Ilyushins, Antonovs, Yaks, TU-104/124/134 or early IL-62s. At least there is a decent sprinkling of IL-18s, TU-154s, IL-76s and an IL-86.
The shelf above Aeroflot looks at other Russian airlines plus a few later post 2000 Aeroflots as well:
The shelf above Aeroflot looks at other Russian airlines plus a few later post 2000 Aeroflots as well: